Sunday, July 7, 2019

Islam False Religion

 What is Taqiyya

Taqiyya in it’s snakiest, milking form, will infiltrate a country, and over take that country by pulling on the heartstrings of the uneducated. Europe is full of Islamic refugees who do not assimilate to their new surroundings. Sharia law is what these Muslims live by, which is opposite of Western laws. 

This ex Muslim says Taqyya is real but that all people can be guilty of that. We know that the bible says ‘thou shall not lie’, while the qran allows you to lie taqyya, so this guys argument only shows us the difference between Christianity and Islam. Satan is the father of ALL lies, including taqyya, therefore the qran is not of GOD. 

Before and After Sharia Law. Sharia Law has always been a part of Islam; however, when certain middle eastern countries began becoming westernized for a short period, something happened and all hell broke loose pushing these people back into oppression and suffering.

Ex Muslim

 Apostate Prophet

 Obama the Muslim

Obama admits he’s not a U.S. citizen which by law he is not allowed to run for U.S. president. He used a fake birth certificate.

German parents pissed that their kids are being forced to learn about Islam. Muslim refugees are not the people who assimilate simply because they did not choose freely to move to Europe, they had no other choice. Europe is overrun with refugees. Obama brought 50,000 Muslim refugees to the U.S. who many admit to not wanting to assimilate. Unorthodox Muslims who choose to move to another country to find freedom, they will assimilate.

Canada allows prayer rooms in schools for Muslims only, not any other religion.

 Europe school kids are made to go to Mosques. I was never made to go to any church when I was in a public school.

 Vatican Openly Sings in Latin That Lucifer is the Father of Jesus

 The Vatican Created Islam

Top 10 scientific facts from the bible… 

 Trump presidential library hall of memes

Islam False Religion   What is Taqiyya Taqiyya in it’s snakiest, milking form, will infiltrate a country, and over ...